I'm a Software Developer

... with over a decade of experience in the tourism industry. I began as a frontend specialist and later transitioned to backend development, mastering both domains.

My journey has been about blending technology and travel seamlessly. I'm passionate about creating user-friendly applications and optimizing systems and APIs. I thrive on innovation and look forward to contributing my expertise to shape the future through technology.

Open Source

Data access objects

Data access objects providing an abstract interface to persistence. So you can use them as usual Objects (in OOP) and simply call the "save" method to store them, without messing around with database specific things like SQL statements.


Simple validator, but with an fluent interface.

urldecode for latin1 / ISO-8859-1

aka: Percent-encoding or URL-encoding

The standard methods "decodeURI" or "querystring" can't decode latin1 chars like %DF (ß), this decoder can. How it works: replace latin1 encodings with its utf-8 counterpart, than use querystring (node.js).

conf-cfg-ini Parser

Parsing ini-files (also known as config, conf, or cfg) with Node.js.

Example RESTful Microservices

Just examples how I'am used to implement Services which are providing a RESTful interface. This includes the OpenAPI documentation and unit tests. First one is using Javascript second one with Typescript.

Apps & Games

Maybe a little bit outdated, but you can find some little tools and games here: https://loge5.de








Just write me at rolf@loges.org